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UE Projects

Project title

Development of a new type of beer with a standardized sugar profile structure and low alcohol content, targeted at a new customer segment.

Project goals

The aim of the project is to develop a new type of beer with a standardised sugar profile structure, low alcohol content and a reduced glycaemic index.

Planned results

Thanks to the new knowledge obtained as part of the planned R&D works as well as the technical and technological solutions created on its basis, it will be technically possible to produce a new type of beer with designed nutritional features, which will then be introduced to the market.

Project value: PLN 95,579,125.69
Contribution from European Funds: PLN 38,231,650.28

The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Operational Programme. The project is carried out as part of the National Center for Research and Development competition: 1.1.1 Fast Track.